◼ Bring together like-minded people and create a community. Provide a space for people to come together and collaborate - this could be a performance, live event, club, guild, or IRL activation.

Event Examples:


Live A/V performance in an existing event space or a space of your own.

◼ Create a premiere event for a music video or performance.

◼ Produce a virtual fashion show.

Community Events

◼ Organize a conference, workshop, or on-boarding session for new members of the community.

◼ Create fun and engaging events that bring people together.

Club / Guild

◼ Create a weekly Discord or in-world meetup exploring Mona and related topics around metaverse-building.


◼ Bring Mona in physical spaces. Create an activation that engages a community in your city.

◼ Create a Mona-based installation for a festival or art exhibition.



Previous work or hosted events!

Submit Your Proposal

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